“Purpose positioning that helps you Learn yourself, Love yourself and Be yourself.... Unapologetically”
Meet Dr. Shai
Author, Speaker, Podcast Host
A self-described recovering perfectionist, Dr. Shai Butler, author of Better. Not Perfect-From Hot Mess To Life Success is leading a movement of women who are learning to give the same grace to themselves that they so freely give to others. Read more about her real and raw memoir that will make you see yourself in the pages and find hope, healing, and solutions to some of your deepest struggles.

Based on the highly acclaimed book, Better. Not Perfect From Hot Mess To Life Success, the podcast expands on the valuable lessons from the book in an open, truth telling, no holding back way.
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In Season Two, join Dr. Shai and a new guest each week as they share openly and authentically about life stories, lessons, and blessings in this honest, down-to-earth dialogue about healing from perfectionism and embracing the pursuit of getting, being and loving "Better."
About Better. Not Perfect
Radically reimagining the inevitable pursuit of perfectionism, Dr. Shai Butler ushers in a new renaissance of personal development in her inaugural memoir Better. Not Perfect - From Hot Mess To Life Success. Dr. Shai Butler presents an insightful, real, and transparent look into her own life and takes lessons learned to be used as a source of wisdom to benefit other women specifically and any person who has the courage to pursue and be "BETTER."